Saturday, June 6, 2009

Birthday Pictures Coming Soon!

This picture is a few weeks old. We took it right before we went to the beach and I think I got too busy to share it. Lydia was feeding herself table food. This was the first time that she ate the same thing we were eating for dinner. It's a habit I need to get more accustomed to. She won't get re-evaluated for her dairy allergy until February, so she will be eating more table food and we will need to make sure we can cook with out milk, cheese or dairy so that she can eat too. The milk part isn't too hard, I can use soy milk instead, but cheese and butter are tougher to replace. I did learn this week that some Duncan Hines cake mixes and frosting are dairy free. Its a little scary that even the Duncan Hines white chocolate frosting doesn't have any milk in it, but I won't complain. Now I can make REAL cupcakes and frost them without changing anything on the recipe and Lydia can have her birthday cake and eat it too! Speaking of which, we took her birthday pictures today at JC Penney's and they are CUTE! We should have some posted soon.

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