Monday, July 4, 2011

Mission Trip Recap and Links

As of today I have re-formatted and uploaded pictures to all the blog posts from our trip that were wird because I had to rely on my phone instead of my computer.  I am SO thankful that I even had that option and so happy to have been able to report back to our friends at home in somewhat real time about what was going on "on the rez". 

Below are the links to each day's post, to make it easier to find. 

Day 1: Travel from Knoxville to South Dakota
Day 2: Sight Seeing and Travel to Mission Site
Day 3: Work Day, expterior walls
Day 4:Work Day, interior walls
Day 5:Work Day, expterior sheeting
Day 6: Work Day and a waterfall
Day 6: Thursday Night's Storm
Day 7: Rain Day
Day 8: Heading Home

I shared a ton of pictures but I still have SO many pictures that I LOVE and so many knew friends whoms I would LOVE to have a chance to see all of the pictures, so Jen is working on movng them over to the Church's Picassa website.  The link is posted below.  You should be able to click on the link and get to ALL the pictures. I don't know about the quality if you download pictures from Picassa, say to print something.  So if you were on the trip and you find that you need a higher quality picture file, email me and I can try to get that to you.

Link to Good Sheperd's Picassa Photo Page
Below are a few of my favorite pictures from various days of the trip.  You will notice that they aren'tso much pictures of people working, but more pictues that reveal more about the people we worked with.

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